Government Subsidised food for ration card holders

              This is one of the greatest benefits we can all get in the case of covid 19. Distribution of food grains has begun in our state from April 1 . Some measures of food department work in expected to begin when it is completed.

Distribution of food grains was done through ration shops. Currently  our government getting a free food package announced by government and free package worth Rs 1000. 

             Everyone gets a full kit consisting of about 17 items worth Rs 1,000. It comes with the Kit for a card. There are currently some confusions  regarding free food package. The distribution was decided through maveli store/supplyco because were trying to avoid the crowds . But now it has been decided to distribute through the ration shops. 

            The  first food kit will be for those with yellow card . The next opportunity is  for the 31 lakh BPL card holders. Then get the blue card holders which is the food supply card on the APL card. After that ,people with white card will get it.

           There is no specific criteria in terms of cards for a free hit delivery . There is no such thing as more inventory for prerequisite categories . At present ,equality for all  is ensured. Those who are financially secure can refuse this food kit . It is said that they will inform them by SMS . The procedure for all these things will be by registered phone number. 

         There will be no rice with the kit . The rice is now being supplied through ration shops. We can buy it at a nearby ration shops. Before going to the ration shops, contact them and find out the situations. Because of the potential for community expansion, act according  to the government decisions.

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