Free services from petrol pumpsĀ 


Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Now the popularity of petrol stations as a form of retail has been growingĀ  due to changed patterns of consumer behaviors. Petroleum is the black gold. BlackĀ  means its colour is black gold means it is hard to find and valuable as gold.It is a natural resource.There are more than 58000 petrol pumps in India.Bharat petroleum, Indian oil corporation, Hindustan petroleumĀ  are the main companies. We can see some rights to increase the knowledge of the common public at petrol pumps .

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Every customer has the right to check the qualityĀ  of oil.we have the right to know we are getting the right kind of services. We can check the petrol through a filter paper test. The nozzle of the pump is cleaned with this filter paper and adds a drop of petrol to the filter paper. After 2 minutes it will disappear. If the filter paper turns pink,the petrol is pure.If filter paper turns other colours,the petrol is deemed to be adulterated.

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā We can check the quantity of oil.Every petrol pump should keep a 5 liter measuring jug to check the quantityĀ  of oil.Every year an investigator checks for weight and capacity. Customers should not forget to take cash memo as in case of fraud.Every petrol pump has a 500 ml cylinder to check the densityĀ  of petrol and diesel.

Ā Ā Ā We will get the following facilities from the petrol pumps at free of cost.Ā 

  • Drinking water
  • Washroom
  • Free air filling to the vehicle
  • Complaints registerĀ  box
  • First aid boxĀ 
  • Firefighting instrumentsĀ 
  • Contact numbers of station managerĀ  and employeesĀ 
  • EmergencyĀ  call facility

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Petrol stationsĀ  are hazardous places.You should switch off the vehicle engines while the fuel tanks are filled .Do not light cigarettes in the petrol pumps.Don’t buy petrol or diesel in plastic or glass bottles. Do not use mobile phones .

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā First aid kits are necessaryĀ  in petrolĀ  pumps. We can depend on petrol pumps , if you need a first aid kit for accidents on the highway. We have the facility to make free emergency calls at the petrol pump if our phone is switched off for any reason. Washrooms andĀ  toilet facilities are available at petrol pumps. You can use these facilities even if petrol is not pumped from the petrol pump.

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā If you feel the need to drink water on the way, clean drinking water is available here. You can collect water from here in bottlesĀ  for free. You can also fill the air to the vehicles for free from here.

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