Free Medical Treatment in India

The cost of medical care and treatment has gone really high in recent times. Although the access to healthcare has increased steadily in the past few years, the lower class and middle class struggle to face the skyrocketing prices of healthcare. However, many people do not know about the free treatment that is available in India. 

JIPMER is one of the most prominent medical institutions in India. It stands for Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research. JIPMER is located in Pondicherry. Although the proximity to Kerala is quite close the awareness in Kerala about JIPMER is minimal. JIPMER provides free treatment for illnesses like even heart disease and cancer.

There are many people in India who have these illnesses and they end up taking loans at exorbitant rates and even pawn their gold. This information will be very useful to these kind of people as some people even end up committing suicide due to the lack of money and the inability to pay back the loans. There are a lot of people who ask for generous contributions from others when they have some illness. It has been found out that even though there are a lot of people who visit JIPMER from Kanyakumari and Tamilnadu, the number of people who visit JIPMER from Kerala is less. It would be great if those who know about this hospital would recommend others so that more people can avail this free facility.

Kindly note that two main transplants are not available here. One is the bone marrow transplant and the other is the heart transplant. But all other heart treatments and treatments for various diseases are available here. Even surgeries are done free of cost. Those who have any illness or those who know others who have any illness can visit JIPMER for free treatment.

This information will be very helpful for those people who are suffering without having adequate financial resources for treatment. There is no need for people to take loans as well as suffer without getting treatment.

Be sure to share this information so that others who are suffering may be relieved because of this. Maybe we are not in a position to help others by giving them money but we can always relay this information so that we can be of assistance in a small way.

Contact address:


Dhanvantri Nagar


Puducherry- 605006.

Contact number:

0413- 2271301/ 302/ 303

0413- 2296000

Toll-free number:

1800 425 6565

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