Free loans from  welfare fund boards

         We know that the state government has announced a package worth Rs 20,000 crore during this lockdown. From that ,a major decision is now being taken. About  40 lakhs of workers in our state who are on a currently subsistence stopped. Let me share with you some of the biggest financial aid available in various sectors . Our state government has provided free financial assistance and interest free loans to those who work in various fields.   

           This is a huge help . It is funded through the welfare fund board . Currently we are a member of the welfare fund board and the financial assistance announced will reach our account without any other applications. Applications for interest free loans have  to be submitted. Applications related to the matters will be available soon. There will be notifications from the welfare fund board . This is because we can’t contact the relevant offices directly ,applications are now being processed through email or WhatsApp.

 Construction workers Welfare fund board, Kerala 

  • Now a package of Rs 200 crore has been sanctioned.
  •  The state government is now providing free cash assistance Rs 1000 to those who have been members of the welfare fund and who have renewed it in 2018.
  • It  will be distributed to all the ordinary citizens who are currently members of the welfare fund account.

Kerala automobile workshop labor welfare  Fund

  • Free loan assistance of Rs 1000 .
  • No need to pay it back .
  • Documents:- ID card ,Aadhar card ,details of bank account,  the receipt of last gratitude. a
  • Attach these documents and apply via Email 

Load workers Welfare fund board

  •  Advance pay and recovery deductions are credited to the account.
  •  No application required .

Weed industry workers Welfare fund

  •  Interest free loan of Rs 10,000.
  •  It is currently decided that, if the lockdown goes on ,they will get  Rs 5000 more.

 Motor workers Welfare fund scheme 

  • State carriage, contract carriage, bus workers will get Rs 5000 as  assistance.
  •  The goods vehicle workers are getting Rs 3500 .
  • Taxi workers can get a subsidy of Rs 2500.
  • Auto rickshaw, tractor workers will get the assistance of Rs 2,000.
  • This sector is currently one of the largest economy of scale conducted as part of motor welfare fund board.

Kerala agricultural workers welfare fund board

  •  Anyone who has been a member of the Kerala agricultural workers Welfare fund board has been infected with covid,  at present Rs 7500 is given as special assistance . 
  • Apply  via email or  WhatsApp. 
  • Application should be sent to the district agricultural workers Welfare fund office .

Abkari labour welfare fund board

  •  it has been announced for them that they are currently providing a free assistance up to Rs 5,000 and interest free loans upto Rs 10,000.
  •  Along with documents providing that he is a person who has served in the bar currently closed, ID card, other details of bank account.
  •  This should be submitted as an application to the welfare fund Inspectors email.
  •  The amount of such people started to be distributed before April 8.

Handloom workers welfare fund

  •  Rs 750 for those who are members of the Handloom workers Welfare fund.

Kerala shops and commercial establishments workers welfare fund board 

  •  For the members of Kerala shops and commercial establishment workers Welfare fund board, working in the self employment Hospital ,petrol pump, gas agencies get the free assistance of Rs  1000 .

Our state government is currently planning to provide assistance of Rs 10,000, if there are covid victims and Rs 5,000 to those in isolation.  

 Start applying for loans now.

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