Free kits for students in grade 1 to 8

           We received many benefits during this period of covid-19. Free kits are available for ration cards. About 27 lakh students are studying in the year 2020-21. Today I am sharing with you about a deserving benefit they deserve.

      The food benefit that students are entitled is the food security allowance. That benefit must surely reach the hands of the students. Now again the decision is to get the free kits into their hands.

       This benefit is available to students of Government and government aided schools. This benefit is available to students in  LKG,UKG,grade 1 to 8. Teachers and PTA members are responsible for the distribution of these kits from the school to the students. The cost of making these kits is around Rs 100 crore.

         We have about 62 working day free kits available, excluding the June, July and August holidays. The food security allowance includes of food grains and cooking allowance received by students.

      Students in pre primary classes will get free2 kg  food grains and items worth Rs 308.In lower primary students get 7 kg food grains and items worth Rs  308. In upper primary students get 10 kg food grains and items worth Rs 461.

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