Differences in National pension scheme and Atal pension yojana

     I would like to share with you about a scheme where a certain amount of money reaches your hands every month after retirement. This is a central government project. That project is called  APY (Atal pension Yojana). Let us compare NPS with APY.

        We need a source of income after retirement. This pension will help us to meet our needs without depending on others. The minimum pension is Rs 1000. Maximum pension is Rs 5000. We will start getting pension from pension yojana after the age of 60 yrs.yYou will receive a pension after the age of 60 yrs  depending on your current age and the amount you invest with it.

            Suppose you are 18 years old. Supposed you  invest Rs 42 / month. You will get a pension of Rs 1000 after the age of  60yrs. We can build a pension corpus of one lakh and seventy thousand rupees.

          If an 18 yrs old person pays Rs 84 / month, At the age of 60yrs ,we will get a pension corpus of Rs 3,40,000 and a pension of Rs 2,000 per month.

              If an 18 years old person pays 126/ month, at the age of 60 yrs,we will get a pension corpus of Rs 5,10,000 and a pension of Rs 3,000 per month.

        If an 18 years old person pays 168/ month , at the age of 60 yrs, we will get a  pension Corpus of Rs 6,80,000 and pension of Rs 4,000 per month.

       If an 18 years old person pays  210/ month, at the age of 60 years ,we will get a pension Corpus of Rs 8,50,000 and pension  of Rs 5,000 per month.

         The amount to be paid increases with age. If you are 39 years old,you will get only Rs 1000 ,if you pay Rs 264 per month.

Payable amount             pension 

Rs 528                         – Rs 2000

Rs  792                       – Rs 3000

Rs 1054                       – Rs 4000

Rs 1318                       – Rs 5000

         From July 2020, you can increase or decrease your pension amount at any time. After joining ing this scheme, you will have to pay a penalty in case if you are unable to pay the amount.

Penality charged up to Rs 100     – Rs 1/ month

Rs 101  – Rs 500              – Rs 2/ month

Rs 500  – Rs 1000            – Rs 5/ month

Above 1001                         – Rs 10/ month

              Your  account will be frozen if you do not pay within  6 months of becoming a member of the Atal pension plan. If you do not pay for one year ,your account will be closed and you will receive a refund of the amount and interest you paid. This pension scheme gives guarantee of how much  pension we will get. If the player dies,the next heir will receive it. Similarly this pension amount is tax deductible. AAY gets tax reduction of Rs 50,000 a year


Age limit  18 -40 yrs

Must have invested in this scheme for at least 20 years. 

Must have a  savings account. 

Must have an Indian citizen. 

You can set it as an automatic debit  from your bank account.


 Adhar card

 Application from 

          You can join this Atal  pension yojana from your nearest Bank  or post office. But expatriates can’t join this scheme. But you can continue both NPS and APY.

  • People between the ages of 18 and 55 can join the NPS. NRI can join NPS(National  Pension Scheme).
  • NPS does not guarantee how much  pension you will get.
  • In NPS, we can get  tax benefit up to Rs 2 lakh per year. 
  • We have the freedom to choose as we wish in NPS.
  • We can invest  any amount of money in NPS.

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