Covid help for Priority households

          In a news conference yesterday, the Honorable chief minister of Kerala shri  pinarayi Vijayan has stated that Rs 1000 will be given to the priority category ration cards. This is especially for priority household cards. This means that it is available to card holders of BPL pink colour ration cards. They should not become members of the welfare funds, detailed information about it ,what the guidelines are ,has not been released yet. But what we need to know is that when the state government announced  a package of Rs 20,000 crore.

      It was decided to distribute social security and welfare pensions. It  was also decided to disburse the amount to those in the priority category who did not receive welfare pensions and social security pensions as per their eligibility criteria .

That is there are two cards in the priority category .The AY category with the yellow card ,as well as the BPL sections .decided to give these two cards are Rs 1000 fixed  that day. 

      The process of completing the project is now very soon and the aim is to get the application. If  we look at the BPL card currently there are over 31 lakh card holders. The fact is that is not everyone gets this amount . There are  AY card holders. As far as very poor people who have failed/ failed social security welfare pensions, they can apply for it. Once the applications are received through the local bodies ,the amount will be credited to the beneficiaries account and the current arrangements will be made. 

      Not only that ,but the application form itself will cover a variety of criteria including our current lively hood, current health status, family conditions,treatment cost and soon. At  present, the application form as well as the manner is which applications are to be received ,will be known within a day or two of the new rule being released. 

      As soon as the application is published by the government ,we will be informed about it . There are various types of social security pensions. There is now Rs 1,000 assistance available through a variety of welfare funds in various employment sectors. This benefit will be for those who belong to the preferences category who have not received any benefits. Currently we know that there are non-  priority category of blue/white cards. Now even if ordinary people apply for ration card ,they will get a non priority ration card . So many of those people moved out of the scheme. They will not get this benefit now announced by the state government .BPL card, AY card with priority list will have the most benefit from this.

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