Corona kavach insurance


         Today I am sharing with you a topic that is useful to everyone in this covid-19 daily  increasing situation. Mostly this disease is increasing through contacts. At present,covid-19 treatment is available completely free of cost through government hospitals. For the average person, it is one of the most helpful. 

         But if the number of patients  continuous to grow beyond control , we will have to depend on private hospitals as well. If there is no space in  government hospitals,then we have to depend on private hospitals. They will take a charge of the PPE kits of those who treat us in private hospitals . PPE kits can only be used for 6 hours. The price of a PPE kit is Rs 1,000 . Private hospitals outside Kerala will cost around Rs 5 lakhs, if we approach due to covid 19. Hospitals within kerala would cost around one Lakh. 

         As  instructed  Insurance regulatory development authority of India  all insurance companies have introduced a health insurance policy as part of Corona treatment.It is called corona kavach.We can purchase this policy with a small amount. If your covid test is positive, you can get this coverage.Today I would like to share with you about star health insurance companie’s Corona kavach policy.

        We will get Rs 50,000 to  Rs 5 lakh insurance coverage from this policy.You can select the as your wish.There are 3 types of policy terms. They are 3 ½ months,6 ½ months,9 ½ months.You can purchase individually or family folder. If you take the family folder, you can add up to 10 family members. No need of any medical test.

Age limit

18  – 65 yrs

Waiting period

15 days

              If you are admitted to the hospital with  Corona positive, this insurance policy will cover all the expenses incurred in the hospital. If you have to use an ambulance for treatment, the insurance will cover that amount as well. Ambulance expenses are only get Rs 2,000. You must be admitted to the hospital for at least 24 hours. 

        This insurance is available even if you are being treated at home under the supervision of a doctor. If treated at home the treatment can cost up to 14 days. If you are being treated in a hospital, this may include expenses up to 15 days prior to admit and up to  30 days after discharge from the hospital. 

               This insurance coverage is also available for Ayurveda homeopathy and unani treatment  for covid. You will receive 0.5% cash on the amount you receive. If your policy is 5 laklph ,then  you will get Rs 2500 daily in cash for 15 days. For that you have to pay a small amount along with the premium amount.

You have to get tax benefit from this insurance coverage. 

How to purchase Corona Kavach policy

You can purchase  Corona kavach policy through offline or online. If you want to purchase this policy through online you can select fundspi insure.

         Enter your details  and select the amount (50,000- 5 lakh) and select the policy period. If you are a health worker you will get 5 percentage can add nominee for this insurance . Upload the age proof document .You an pay using debit/ credit card.we will get policy documents and ID card to our email.

       If you have any doubt about this insurance policy ,you can call Star Health Insurance Company customer care.

Contact number : 1800 4252255

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