Calculate the approximate cost of materials for 1000 square feet house

          We prepare estimates for how much our house will cost . We depend on professionals for that . But let’s look at how much for our house ,materials and labor charges. We can use this model to understand the approximate cost . When we go to buy materials, we should never go with this result if you get.  It needs the proper estimates. 

       There are mainly two types of expenses, when building a house.

  •  Material cost
  •  Labor cost

 Let us think about the details of material cost here and see what percentage of expenses to materials for each type of works . We are preparing here today is an estimate of a 1000 square feet house.

   Length   – 50 feet 

   width     – 20 feet 

   Area       = 50 × 20 =  1000 square feet 

Let’s see how much the cost will be for this house. The first thing we need to know ,when estimating this method is rate/ square feet. We need to know how much the rate/square feet . When we build a house, it cost between Rs 1250 to 2500/ square feet . The rate of  each square feet has varies according to the quality of the material. If used the high quality material will automatically increase the cost . As the price increases, the rate at which square feet will also increases . That’s why the range is set at Rs 1250 – Rs 2500.

           We should have a good idea about the materials, we are going to use.  From that, we have to identify the average rate/ square feet. If you can’t understand it yourself ,contact any contractor or professional to find out the rate/ square feet.

        Let us consider the method of construction of a building  at Rs 1600/square feet. Let us calculate the cost of a material for a house of 1000 square feet ,it cost 1600 rupees/ square feet( including material cost + labor cost).

 Here  the area        – 1000 square feet

 Rate / square feet  – 1600

 Total cost      – 1000 × 1600 = 16 lakh 

Total cost can be divided into two .

  • Labor cost 
  • Material cost
  •  Labour cost is usually 30 % –  40%

 Labour cost depends on the type of building process and the quality of the materials used.

  • Material cost 60 % –  70%.

 This includes the cost of drawing ,estimating and planning.

Labour cost( 32 %) =

                  =  16 lakh  × 32/100 = 5,12,000 

Material cost   =

                1600000 – 512000 = 10,88,000

          We cannot say the correct cost of materials and Labor because it depends on many things. If the house is located in the city it won’t be a range like a  countryside house building. Let us see how to calculate the cost of each materials.

 Total material cost  = 10,88,000 

(Steel  including Foundation, pillar, Bheem . If you  don’t use pillar, the cost will be 15%or 16 %) 


Total amount for Steel 

  10,88,000 ×  24.6/100 = 2,67,648

 Cement (16.4%)

 Total amount for cement 

10,88,000 × 16.4/100  = 1,78,432

 There may be slight differences. If you have a house with 1000 square feet with two floor, the amount of concrete will increase 

Sand (12.3%)

 Total amount for sand

 10,88,000× 12.3/100= 1,33,824 

Aggregate( 7.4 % )

Total amount for aggregate

 10,88,000× 7.4/100=  80,512

 Bricks(4.4 %)

 Total amount for bricks

 10,88,000× 4.4/100= 47,872 

Tiles( 8 %)

Total amount for tiles

 10,88,000 ×8/100=87040

Paint (4.1%)

 Total amount for paint

 10,88000× 4.1/100=44,608 

Door( 3.4 %)

 Total amount for door

 10,88000× 3.4/100 =36,992 

Window( 3 % )

Total amount for window

 10,88,000 ×3/100=32,640

 Plumbing( 5.5 %)

 Total amount for plumbing

10,88,000 ×5.5/100= 59,890 

Electrical (6.8 %)

 Total amount for Electrical


 Sanitary (4.1 %)

 Total amount for sanitary

 10,88000 ×4.1/100=44,608

 If  it is one toilet, the percentage of sanitary will be reduced. 

Steel           24.6 % 2,67,648 

Cement       16.4% 1,78,432

Sand            12.3% 1,33,824 

Aggregate     7.4 % 80,512 

Brick               4.4% 47,872

Tile                 8% 87,040

Paint              4.1 % 44,608 

Door               3.4% 36,992

Window            3% 32,640

 Plumber         5.5% 59,840

Electrical          6.8 % 73,984 

Sanitary           4% 44,608

 total                 100% 10,88,000 

Material cost      – 10,88,000

 Labour cost        – 5,12,000

 Total              – 16 lakh 


  •  If  we don’t have the money to complete the house, we can do it step by step .
  • We have to take a rough  calculation of the house itself.

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