Bring back Malayalees from all over the world 

         All arrangements have been made for the Pravasi Malayalees to return to our home land. Registration for it is nearing completion. For Keralites, who are now in different states, for various reasons ,this is a great news . Now it is the  time for them to return to their homeland. For details on its registration ,apply through the official website of NORKA ROOTS. Then this is a registration process.

       As for those trapped in different states, it has not been decided on which way to return them. As  for those currently in other countries, let’s not forget that once they get to other countries ,they are in Quarantine. At present our state government is constituted of three types of Quarantine . For Pravasi’s  the change to Quarantine is only if the current covid test result is negative.

There are systems to stay in the quarantaine at their own expense. Similarly in government identified Institutions, there are special quarantaine systems. There are also systems in place to monitor homes .

       For those who are observant  in homes, give the quarantine permission only if all such facilities are in the houses.  Others would have to say in government institutions as quarantine. For a variety of reasons, there are people involved in other states. In other states ,there are many who have gone for medical purposes . And there are people who are now receiving treatments in other states. Let’s get back to those peoples. Now there may be people from other states who are registered for treatment in our state . Preference is given to those who have. There are others who have gone to other states for study purpose. 

       They are now consideration giving returning peoples. There may be people who have gone to other states for exams or interviews. Those who have are now given due consideration. There will be pilgrimages, excursions,as well as visits to relatives homes in another state. These are the one that are on lockdown . They are now being considered for return .

       Due to lock down, there are many people who have closed educational institutions and Employment Agencies. For those who have the consideration is given to return. Now there are those who are unemployed and have lost their jobs and who lockdown the workplace. For those who do they can register and return. Applications for this should be made through NORKA ROOTS official website. 

          Then there is the  option of registering the website for Malayalees on the left and those in other states on the right . We need to detail the name, age ,address, reasons for the return, the details of any documents to be submitted now, when it Intends to return and if the vehicle is owned. This will enable pravasi’s outside India as well as Pravasi inside the India to return to our state.

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