All details about Thandaper account, number,benefits

In the land registration process the owners of multiple landholdings will be allotted a single thandaper. It is a unique record of a property instead of multiple ones. They allotted a single thandaper number for all land holdings in one’s name. It helps to find the ownership of land easily. It helps the revenue department to find the land holdings of a person. Our state will provide a 13 digit unique Thandaper number to them. If an individual has land in more than one village, most villages are providing single to 5 digit numbers. So the new system is expected to curb illegal land transactions. It ensures convenience and transparency in obtaining land related details. Single thundaper system has been developed on the RELIS software of Kerala Revenue Department.

All land records will be linked with the other. The biometric ID system as per which 12 digital random numbers are assigned to Indian residents. This System will come into existence even without Aadhar linkage. Thandaper number is a reference number used by the revenue department to track property tax information.

Government of India implemented a unique thandaper system for land registrations. Every person who has his own property will have a unique thandaper number. Thandaper number of the individual will return all land parcels owned by her. The unique Thandaper consists of 13 digits. It will be available on the digilocker portal. Under chapter 3 Section 82 have the following limitations on land ownership.An individual can’t own more than 7.5 acre of land.As ownership information becomes more than transparent. It can be easily tracked,identifying excess land owned by individuals.

You can access Thandaper number online .The Government of India launched a mobile application. The citizens of Kerala can check thandaper accounts easily. Thandaper is an official document given to property owners in Kerala. It is the official revenue record of the property. Thandaper number is a unique identity number. You should get thandaper number, block number, survey number, sub division number in your thandaper account.

Unique Thandaper Number will help to tighten noose around fraudulent land transactions. It helps to identify excess land, streamlining land revenue records,better service for beneficiaries, maintaining accuracy, identifying ineligible people drawing benefits, misusing revenue rules,etc.It is the aadhar based revenue record. A person can register properties in different locations. With implementation of UTN ,the details regarding land holdings of an individual will be available in this number. It is kept in the village office.Thandaper account is very important in the revenue department.

We will not get thandaper number after registration of the should do the pokkuvaravu in the village office. Now after the registration, the registration department sends a notification to the revenue department. Then upload the scanned copy of adharam. Within 40 days,they will accept the pokkuvaravu.They add the name of the new owner in the revenue record. If the owner has Thandaper number in the village they register the land easily. They add new land details in this thandaper account. They provide thandaper number based on blocks.

Each district is divided into different taluks. Each taluk is divided into different villages. Each taluk has different blocks. Each block has a different survey can start a new thandaper number in your village.village find out thandaper account using can add aadhaar number with thandaper number, Revenue Department can easily find out the thandaper number using aadhar.

ROR is a primary record of land that proves the rights on the land to a particular landowner. ROR and thandaper accounts are different.It contains resurvey number, sub division number, block number, area, document number, thandaper number, can check the difference between thandaper can check the aadharam number using TR number.

You should check details of thandaper registration. You can see the loan details from this account. You can check the thandaper account directly or will get a copy from the village should submit an application. You will get it within 2 days. You can apply through the release portal to get a copy of the Thandaper account.

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