A new project is coming up for farmers 

          The department of agriculture has come up with the measures can be solved the food shortage by taking over all the wastelands. With the time of covid  19, the Kerala state and the economic crisis among our common peoples as Pravasi’s return to our country. At this times the state government is in the midst of introducing a scheme  to cultivate wasteland within the state as a part of the initiative to prevent food shortages. For this purpose,financial assistance subsidies ,interest free loans and mid interest loans  will be implemented . 

          This scheme is set to begin next month . Now there are people who lost their jobs and a lot of people who are struggling with that as well.The advantages is that they can use these  benefits . The latest information is that it’s registration is now open. For those interested in agriculture, this is most useful for them. The department of agriculture is now drafting the People’s plan on the mission on farming in wasteland as invited by the Chief Minister of India.

        The state Agriculture Department plans to implement a variety of projects with the participation of youth and pravasi’s working through a people’s collective. Rice, fruits, vegetables,tubers,cereals, eggs,pulses ,milk and farming and among the many projects that are being targeted to increase production. This project is implemented within the state with the objective of becoming self-sufficient so that there is no food shortage after lock down.

         The prime objective is to cultivate 25,000 hectors of waste land . The primary method of implementation of the scheme is the coordination of the state Agriculture Department, local self government department, irrigation department ,Cooperative department and animal protection department and NGOs . As part of this project, over the wastelands new farming and young people who want to come ,people coming back from abroad, peoples are also in Kudumbasree units ,NGOs, agriculture units such as  farmers name, address and to do the cultivation of crops,space in Limited such as to include the information must inform their respective districts.

          The first phase of this scheme is the study of where the wasteland lies and  what the cultivation plans to do. By next month, it is coming up with all the necessary preparations to cultivated it. For this, the youth who come forward to cultivate of the state will get all the support from the government and other sectors  of agriculture . If you or an organisation is willing to take up this kind of wasteland, you call the agricultural office of your district . State government has stated that they will provide all possible assistance.

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