A Natural hair oil for to prevent dandruff and hair loss 


       Dandruff is a common  disease that causes the skin on the scalp to flake. It is difficult to treat.We can treat mild dandruff with daily shampoo. Otherwise we can use medicated shampoo. The signs and symptoms of dandruff  are skin flakes on your eyebrows, beard,hair, scalp,shoulders,,hair loss,itchy scalp, etc.The main causes of dandruff  are dry skin,oily skin,yeast like fungus,some hair care products, psoriasis, eczema.It begins in adulthood,middle age,etc.It is commonly seen in males than females. Dandruff is the skin cells are grow and die fastly. Malassezia fungus causes dandruff.

         It is increased in the time of sick.cold and dry winters can increase dandruff. If you have seborrheic dermatitis, you should consult a doctor . The main symptoms  of seborrheic  dermatitis  are redness, itching,and flaking. 

         We can treat it by trying to brush your hair and using dandruff  shampoo.Rub the shampoo  well into your scalp.leave for 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Then wash with normal water. 

      Start to rub your scalp with 5 teaspoons of coconut oil. Wait for an hour and shampoo it. Rub aloe vera gel to the scalp and shampoo your hair. Mix apple cider vinegar 

      Tea tree oil has been used to treat dandruff. It has antibacterial, antifungal,anti-inflammatory  properties. Stress can cause dandruff. So to keep stress levels under control. Omega 3 fatty  acids vital to skin health. It helps to manage oil production  and hydration.  Dandruff can cause hair loss. But treatment  in adequate  time prevents further damage to the scalp and hair. 

      We can see a useful herbal hair oil. It helps to reduce dandruff  and hair loss. It is Nomees druvi herbal hair oil. It has a group. It has only Rs 350 /250 ml.upyou will get  a good result. Apply to the scalp and wash after 1 hour. We can use it daily. We can use it in children. It helps to remove dandruff. It contains  gooseberry,fenugreek,aloe vera, Tulsa,onion, etc. It helps to blacken the hair. It has a good review in their groups. It helps to increase the health of hair, oil massage is a very good option. 



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