10 small businesses can be started at very low cost


        Starting a business is almost everyone’s dream . But usually starting a business requires a very large amount of money. But for an ordinary person it is a very difficult thing. But there are some businesses that we can start with very little amount.The investment required to start this is very less and as you build your business.

         All people want to turn a profit. They search every  possible way to have the business run smoothly and increase revenue.young peoples t to start their  own business rather than working  for someone else. They search for small scale opportunities with huge turnover.

       BMost people think that earning huge profits requires serious investments. But a lot of business  ideas  can be started  with minimum  investment.Single great ideas are6 the most important  step to creating  a good business. Less investments and high returns are the benefit of these small scale businesses.

Today we can see a few businesses that can start at home at a very low cost.These are very scopeful ideas. 

  1. Nursery  

       We can start a plant  nursery.The first step is the extraction of seeds without being destroyed  from fruits for the harvesting  of seeds. We can use these seeds for plantation and sow in seed beds trays for their future growth. It is a very good business  idea. We can start this business  with a small amount of money. It is a highly profitable idea.The profit depends on location. It requires considerable  space and plants can grow for years,or containers or grounds before being sold.  You  can take your business online and make more profits. 

  1. Business of pepper powder

       We can buy pepper,grind it and put it in covers. And we can sell it to the markets.we need a license  for this business. Food safety, packaging  licenses  should be needed. It is a profitable  business.

      3 . Payasam

We can make a variety  of payasam and sell it to the hotels. It is a scope full business. It is an indispensable delicacy in kerala. 

       4 . Laundry 

       In town areas, most people depend on laundry. So it is a good business. First you must decide what kind of laundry business.choose a name,register your business. It requires a license.It is the simplest  business.  It is easy to start .It needs location,machines,good staff,etc.

      5. Mushroom business 

       It is a profitable  business within weeks .  It is called fungiculture. Cultivating fungi can yield foods,medicine,etc. It requires  a neat area. Mushrooms are tasty to eat. You can add mushrooms  to soups,vegetables, stews,etc.It includes proteins, potassium, fibers, copper, zinc,nutrients  etc. It is also the easiest  Cultivation . We can earn more profit  from less investment. You should study about  this business. 

      6.Chapathi,pappadam units

      We can make chapati and pappadam and sell it. We need a chapati machine and sell it through many ways.  You must study about this business  and profit. It is a highly effective  and non stop continuous process. It helps to have huge production in the market. Buy an automatic chapati  making machine.  It saves labor costs and ensures product uniformity. 

     7. Online business

Many people use online for business. We can choose it. Blogging is one of the first businesses . We can build a free online store. We can join affiliate  networks, market our business  online.we can make things and sell through online. T shirts,soaps,jewelry, gift boxes,candies ,sweets,arts,digital  products  are also sold  online.

We can make online shops.we need materials  for it and advertise  through online.

    8.bag making

We can make different types of bags at home. Paper bag making business  is profitable. W3 can also make school bags. With technological advancement, the manufacturing process has been simple. It is a small scale business idea.we can make handbags . It needs a license and permits.  

        9.fish farming

       It is also a good profitable  business.  It requires  a consistent quality  water source. Check the temperature, bacteriological ,chemical effects of water. It requires hard physical  work. About 30 days are required for the feeding larvae to grow into advanced  fry. About 45 to 85 days,the fish grows up to become fingerlings. 

  10. Poultry farming

       It is the form of animal husbandry which raises domestic  birds such as chickens,ducks,etc. It has a lot of potential  for earning profits. If you have appropriate  space and good knowledge  about this business, starting  a small poultry farm is a great source of income.you may also sell eggs and feathers.we will get eggs daily. So it is very scopeful business. 

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