Pay special attention to children in online classes

          Today I would like to inform you about a very important news. In the context of covid 19,now  there are online classes for all children. Online classes are gives the students and teachers to set the place, schedule fits everyone’s agenda. It helps to better balance for studies . It saves time.  It saves money of travelling. Students get more knowledge  through videos. They can attend the videos at any time.  They can take their own time.  It has a number of tools as part of their lessons. It reduces financial costs. All students can attend the online classes from their home.

        During this covid 19, changed the concept of education  of all people. In olden days the peoples had a concept about learning. The olden concept was to go to school and study with a book and text. But  but in the present situation they have undergone a complete change. they know that children can learn well at home through online.

        Now digital learning has emerged as a source for students all over the world.But online class has always disadvantages. Here is a chance for students to be easily distracted by social media. Any interruption  of internet  can be  make a lack of continuity of the class. It reduces the physical interaction  with others.

         So it is very important news. Some students make money transactions  through online. It will affect them badly. Internet is a platform where students are exploited allot. So be careful. Students addicted to various gaming platforms.   Gaming platforms give special features to them. These games changed their character. It affects their mental status. 

       Pay  special attention to children when they are in online classes. Avoid online  games. Explain the problems of games to children. Take care of banking services. 

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