What is carpel tunnel syndrome ?

       A numbness and tingling in the hand and arm is called carpel tunnel syndrome. It is caused by pinched nerve in the wrist. The main symptoms  are numbness,tingling,weakness in hand.

           A pressure applied on your median nerve,it goes through your wrist called carpel tunnel  ,which ends in your hand.This nerve controls the movement of your thumb,fingers. If you have carpel tunnel  syndrome, you have tingling,burning,numbness in your middle fingers,palm,thumb.


Trouble holding things

Weakness in your hand

Numbness and tingling  in your hands

Less grip strength 

Shrinkened muscles

Muscle cramping

Slower nerve impulses



Rheumatoid arthritis 




Repetitive  motion ,manual jobs people 

Fractures of wrist

    We can change the jobs.Exercises can helps the nerve move better .Wear a splint to keep your wrist from moving. Take anti inflammatory drugs. Take rest between the job.Do stretching exercises. 

               If you don’t treat it  causes muscle damage.Always keep your wrists straight. Avoid flexing and extending  your wrists.Sleep with your hands above your head can cause numbness.

               Avoid folding your arms under the pillows.Elevate hands or wrists. We can treat completely it  in early stages. You should consult a neurologist/ orthopedic doctor. 

 If you have severe pain,inability  to hold things surgery is mandatory. 

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