10 Veggies to Cultivate in Rainy Season

Monsoon season in Kerala is considered as a favorable season to grow many of the vegetables which
makes favorite dishes of you. Here is the list of top ten vegetables which can be grown during rainy season.

  1. Spinach
    Spinach is cultivated in high numbers during the rainy season as the low temperature of the season
    promotes its growth. This veggie is easy to cultivate if the seeds are sown in a perfect way. For the
    cultivation in soil lands the mixing up of soil is required and also can be grown in grow bags in terrace too.
  2. Ladies Finger or Okra
    The second vegetable is Ladies Finger or Okra. This veggie is widely cultivated during June, September,
    October of rainy season. It can be cultivated in open soil lands as well as grow bags.
  3. Bitter Gourd
    Bitter gourd is cultivated during the months of May and June. As watering is not necessary, proper care is
    to be given for applying fertilizers.
  4. Ivy Gourd
    Ivy Gourd is grown by planting its stem of about 30-35cm long.
  5. Pumpkin
    Pumpkin which is cultivated during May-August requires 5gm of seeds for one cent of land. As the
    vegetable is a creeper enough space must be provided for its growth
  6. Bottle Gourd
    Rainy season veggie which can be cultivated during May-August. 14gm seed is required for one cent of
  7. Ash Gourd
    Ash Gourd is grown during the rainy months from May-August. 4gm seed is required for one cent of land.
  8. Brinjal
    Brinjal can be grown in grow bags in terrace during May-June of monsoon season
  9. Green Chilies
    This easy yielding vegetable can be cultivated during May-June of rainy season. 4gm seed is required for
    one cent. This veggie should be grown in open space with ample availability of sunlight.
  10. Yard Long Beans
    This monsoon crop should be sown in the first week of June foe better yield. As it is a climber give proper
    support for its growth.