We can recharge through federal bank accounts

        Today I would like inform you about an information of federal bank.This is a good news for those with a federal bank account.The bank gives an amount to recharge the mobile and pay small bills.We cannot see this amount in the account balance.

        It is a hidden feature of federal bank.80% of people are unaware of this feature. Most of us are made online transactions  using fed bank.We will get a fixed amount as a reward.We can login a federal reward account. One point is 0.25 paise.

       Open google in our mobile phone.Search federal rewards and select it. Enter our details enter debit card number. Enter the mobile number and email ID.

       We can check the rewards .Select the  ‘my account ‘option.We can see the total points.We can recharge through this . Enter mobile number and rechargeable amount. We can see the redeem rewards.

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