We can earn Rs 3500per hour from home.

          Going to work outside is a very risky thing during this covid  19 time. Most people are losing their jobs. But today I want to share with you a way to  earn an income from home. A lot of educated people are sitting at home without jobs. It will benefit them a lot.

          We can see many online shopping sites. These sites are working  test the websites with users. These testing websites are called validately. Now we can see how to do this testing. We can also join this scheme.  We should pass a test for it. This test lasts  for about 1 minute. Those who pass can  do the testing work on this site. We can get payment as dollar. You get 10 to $70 for a work.

         If you are interested, you can register this site.  Open the site and sign up. Then click the I want to earn money button.Select the device and operating system.  Specify the system version , gender,age. Enter the personal details  . You should have a pay pal account. You will get the payment through PayPal.

         Set the google Chrome in your lap top and update the latest version of operating  system.  They ask some questions.  You should answer it in the form of  voice . Download the extension of validately. Then take the test and share to them. If you passed the test, you can attend work through  email.  We can earn  Rs 3500 within 1 hour.

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