We can apply for e-ration card through akshaya centers

     Today I would like to inform you about e-ration card. In our state,there were book ration cards.  But now it is totally changed and we get aadhar like ration card. E ration card is more efficient  and  it gives reliable supply to customers. 

       Ration card is a valuable document. It is also an identity card.  It indicates an individual’s economic status.  Ration cards are used to purchase subsidized foodgrain from ration shops.

      E  ration card has also been introduced in our state also.Firstly it is introduced in Thiruvananthapuram north city rationing office. We can use this card as an identity card. 

        We got many benefits from central and state governments.  Ration card is the main document for all benefits.This card is very easy to carry.  It includes all personal details of all members of the ration card.We can use this card for QR scanning. It includes security features. 

        We can apply this ration card through akshaya centers  and citizen login.we can pay the fees through e treasury service. After the permission of taluk supply officer,we will get PDF ration card to citizen login/ akshaya centre portal.We can download it. And take the print of ration card.

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