The benefits of fenugreekĀ 

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Fenugreek is a herbĀ  with many potential health benefits including improving cholesterol and blood pressure. It is often used to enhance flavour in Indian curries. If seeds and leaves are common ingredients in dishes from the India. It contain iron,Ā  protein, fibre, alkaloids.

Health benefits of fenugreek

  • It glowing and cleanser the skin.
  • ItĀ  exfoliate and moisturize the skin.
  • It has anti aging properties.
  • It contain more soluble fibres.
  • It act as a cleansing agent in intestine.
  • ItĀ  reduces acidity, constipation and piles.
  • ItĀ  lower LDL and increase HDL.Ā 
  • It maintain a function of pancreas, thyroid and ovary.
  • It may help to control diabeticĀ 
  • It reduce total fat intake and appetite.
  • It can lower cholesterol.
  • It reduce heartburn.
  • It has anti inflammatory effect.Ā 
  • It is used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis and skin problems.
  • It is used for Eczema,Ā  Kidney Disease, cancer,Ā  chapped lips, chronic cough, constipation,Ā  fever, gout, hernia, mouth ulcers, stomach upset,Sooth muscle pain, maintainĀ  liver and kidney health, reduce fever.
  • ItĀ  reduces sugar level, because it act in pancreas.
  • The antioxidants of fenugreek improve the functions of pancreas.
  • Before or after exercise take some fenugreek. It will decrease the weight.
  • It improve the function of Thyroid and ovary.
  • ItĀ  reduces atherosclerosis
  • ItĀ  reduce dermatitis.Ā 

Side effects

  • With most supplements,Ā  side effect of diarrhoea,Ā  indigestionĀ 
  • Strange and slightly sweet body odour.
  • Possibly unsafe for pregnant women and children.

Home remediesĀ 

  • Take 1800- 2700 mg of Fenugreek seed powderĀ  3 times daily for first three days of menstrual period reduce pain in women with the painful menstrual periods.Ā 
  • New mothers drinking herbal tea with fenugreek seeds,Ā  increase breast milk production.
  • Taking 500 mg,Ā  for 8 weeks decrease body fat.
  • Taking Fenugreek seed extract daily for 8 weeks,Ā  reduces symptoms of ovarian cyst.Ā 
  • Soak fenugreek seeds overnight, boil for 5 minutes in same water,Ā  cool and add honey and sip through out day for increasing breast milk.Ā 
  • Grind fenugreek seedsĀ  to powder and add water to make a paste. Clean the area and apply the paste. Take a clean cloth and cover the paste, It helps to treat swelling and pain.
  • Soak aĀ  tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in two glasses of water overnight. Morning strain the seeds and pour the water in the bottle and drink. It helps to flush out toxins.
  • Soak 2 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds to overnight. Grind with curry leaves, apply all over scalp andĀ  root, leave it to 10 minutes, wash off with mild shampoo It reduces hair fall.Ā 
  • Make a paste of socked when fenugreek seeds with some yogurt. Apply on hair for half an hour,Ā  and washed off.It is a good remedy for dandruff.

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