Social media users should know these important  things


      Social media is computer technology. We can share our ideas,information through different networks  and communities. The largest social media are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, tiptoe,YouTube,etc. It is used to interact with society and access news  and information.we can share, create,spread the information through  social media.It connects a lot of users from different places at different  time.The information could be shared across the media promote negative  experiences. It generates online traffic, increasing  brand loyalty . Social media is an integral part of our life.

     But it has disadvantages also. It reduces emotional connection  between the people. It gives licence  to be decreases face to face communication. It may cause  cyber bullying,hacking,spreading fake news,etc.

    In our state , last days we heard about  there are two murders of political  activists.police take stringent  action against  those spreading fake news through social  media. They spread several messages  about community  hatred  and circulated through  social media after murders of Renjith sreeivas and K. S. shan.Kerala DGP said in a statement, the admins of social media groups who permit inciting communal hatred discussions will be booked.

    He directed to  prepare a list of criminals belonging  to groups on district level basis and arrest ascending criminals.30 cases had been registered across our state in the last 5 days .So you should be aware of this information.

     Do not spread messages on social  media that promote secularism and create divisions in the society.strong action will be taken against those who spread such messages and the admins of those groups. Do not spread these types of messages. Police should  take strong sections against  them.

    You should not share these types of messages  thr whatsapp. You should leave unwanted groups. If you are the admin of a group it is important to pay attention to all the discussions that take place in that group. Do not hold any legal discussions in the group.Do not like, share or comment  unwanted  messages. You should use social media carefully. 

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