Poultry rearing benefits through kudumbasree 

        Today I would like to inform you about a happy news for you.This is a project for the upliftment of women in kerala. This is a project implemented by the government of Kerala through kudumbashree. Its main purpose is to enable women to stand on their own  feet.

        This project is called the kitchen garden egg care project. Under this scheme each person will get Rs 15000 for raising chickens and building hives. Those who want to join this scheme have  to pay Rs 750 firstly. The remaining 14280 can be taken as a loan through kudumbasree.

        The remaining  Rs 5000 will be received as government subsidy. The rate of 20 chickens per person, a group of 5 sets get 100 chickens. Chicken also gets the required feed.

       Participants in this group have  to spend Rs 3750. The total subsidy will be Rs 25000. Thus total Rs 70000  received. The remaining amount has to be repaid as a loan.

       It is very useful project. If you have any doubt, contact kudumbasree office.

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