No pension for those who had not completed mustering process

         sevana pension is the application in the local government with in the Kerala state which is the intention of providing efficient and transparent mechanism in  social security services executed through them.


           Mustering is being carried out to identify the number of beneficiaries who are eligible to receive the pension. In a relief to the beneficiaries of pension schemes who have not completed the biometric mustering process,  the government has extended the last date January 31. 

                   Those who have not taken part in mustering will not get welfare pensions.

Pension arrears will be given only to people who have completed mustering process. The people including bedridden patients who have submitted application to the local body by explaining their reason to skip mustering will get pension without any trouble. 

           If the ineligible people are excluded,  it will be a great relief for the government is  facing major financial crisis. People who received the government pension namely old age pension,  farmer pension, widow pension, differently abled pension, pension for unmarried women and welfare board pension 

             Now 57, 790 lakh people skip  out from the pension scheme, they did not turn up for mustering process. 70 crore rupees safer for government. 

        More people don’t know about mustering. They may not be alive,  some of them may be bedridden, there could even be cases in which their relatives would be receiving the pension and persons who are ineligible for welfare pension. That might be the reason why they skipped  the process.In case of did not turn up for mustering process, 

Agricultural pension – above 50000

Old age pension  – above 230000

Handicapped  – 34000

Unmarried woman  – 4800

Widow pension  – near 89000

Welfare board pension  – above 180000

If you want to know your mustering report please search sevana.

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