New rules about employment guarantee scheme

        Today I would like to share with you about your welfare fund for those who are members of the Employment Guarantee scheme. The scheme will come into effect by January 2021.

           This welfare board  contains 5 state members and 8 other board members. The members of Gramin employment guarantee scheme and ayyankali  city employment scheme are getting this benefit. It is a welfare fund.A dividend must be paid from us.To be a part of this scheme we have to pay a dividend of Rs 50.We have to pay dividends for 5 years.

Age limit

18 -55 yrs

                  In case death of the members of this scheme,the family pension will be paid. Those who complete 20 working days in a year can become members of this welfare fund. They receive  other allowances for completing 70 working days in a year.

        The children of those who are members of the Employment Guarantee scheme receive educational assistance.Health assistance,marriage assistance  will be give from this welfare fund.

       About 3 lakh more workers are being made part of this welfare fund.We get employment card within 1 week.

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