New business  idea start with low investment


     New ideas are crucial  to a business being able to improve processes,bring new and improved  products  to the markets. It increases efficiency and profitability.New ideas help to expand the range of ideas beyond  your current range  of thinking.  A business needs an idea to invest and creates sales and profits.  It helps to invest in more products  and services and increases the growth  of a business.  

     You should always be thinking about new ideas.  An idea is a starting  point for entrepreneurs. An average  person has many ideas. Hard Work,persistence, adaptability are the three important  skills of a successful  entrepreneur. He should be a motivated  and energetic  person.

        Strong determination, listening to others,willingness  to improvise,passion helps him to a successful  life. Business ideas are the base of the pyramid when it comes to business. We can start a small business with our  family and friends. You should start a business with new marketing, new technology and new benefit ideas.

     You always convince investors and consumers. Past work experiences are important  to start a business. Think about your strength ,goal and resources. Research the market. Then create a detailed business plan. Arrange the fund for business. You should have the ability to satisfy your customers .

     Today we can see a new business  idea starting  at low investment. Systematically approach the production, marketing, purchase,promotional activities.  It helps to make a good profit from your business.  

     We can start a business  with ethakka (banana). It is available  in our place a lot. We can make baby food with raw bananas. We will get a good profit from this business. Do not add any type of we will get a good demand  in markets.  You should take care of the hygienist of this product.   They will prefer your product. 

      We can sell this product for Rs 1000/ kg. We can use raw bananas ( ethakka) for it. Remove the skin and wash well. Cut into small slices and wash again. Dry well and grind fine powder. Make a good packet and sell it to the market. It needs raw materials.  We can buy bananas from markets . And we can start with the help of family  members.   We can start this business  with low investment. We need a  packing and sealing machine. You should create  a brand name . Register  your trade marks. 

         It needs a food safety license, legal metrology  certificate, GST,Local authority  license. Marketing strategy is very important. We can market offline and online. We can sell this product  to supermarkets, medical  stores etc. You can promote your product through social media also. You will get a good profit from this business. 

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