LLOYID Portable AC 

           Today  I would like to inform you about a portable AC.Many of us travel to very hot places. As such situations, we are the ones who want this portable ac. In some places the heat can be very high. But normal AC cannot be used there. Portable AC is of great benefit to us in such situations.

     We get low budget  good quality portable AC from LLOYD brand.It has  70 cm height and 34 kg weight.We get a exhaust pipe with it.we can connect the air condition and air circulation through the exhaust.we can connect this exhaust with a sliding board. 

     We will get a form line with it. We can adjust this ac with this form line. We will get a cap to close this valve. We can connect a pipe to this ac.  We can control this ac with remote.

       This is a 1 ton AC.Its power consumption is 1365w. We can clean this AC at any time.we can set swing mode.Its cooling capacity is 3450w.

     We get 1 year warranty for AC and compressor. It has hidden display.We can put it in a room of 70 square feet.Its MRP is 39,990. Market  price is Rs 27,900.We can purchase it through online websites.

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