Important  materials used to build the wall

        Today I want to introduce  you about the things to look for when building a wall of a house.A beautiful house  is a dream of every people. For the average person,It is always best to build a house at a very low cost. For that we need to know all about these things.l

       It is best to avoid new materials. It is better to use the same old materials that we know. we usually use Red Stone ,bricks ,cement blocks ,AAC Blocks,and interlocks to build the walls of the house.The size of the red stone has 30×20×20 cm. This brick should always be cut from the same place always check the natural bed of the stone. if higher the limestone content of red sandstone ,lower the strength of it.Always use reddish, sharp edges stone. We get good redstones from the north  side of kerala.

          If we want to a traditional  looked house, we can choose the first quality red stones.  We can use commonly the second quality red stones. Third quality red stones seen yellowish colour. We can use this redstones in making sheds.

       In good quality red stones, if we break the 4 edges of redstone should not break.

      Its qualities  ate it has low hot. We get easily.It has low cost.But is difficult to get  the same quality, size,shape  place  materials. Otherwise it will affect the strength.  It has more weight  than other materials. So it is difficult to  handle.

              In Concrete blocks using cement, sand, aggregate .Its size is 30×20×15. We can make walls at 20 cm and 15 cm using this blocks. It has good load bearing capability . It has same shape and size. It has low weight. So we can easily handle it.But it has more hot.

      Interlock blocks are mainly 2 types . It is a locking  system. In this bricks we need very little cement. If we cut after construction  ,it will affect the strength  the wall.It has good compressive strength. We can directly apply putty to the cement interlocks.

     AAC blocks are light weight material.  So it has low labour cost. 

     Bricks are very good material.  We get uniform shaped brick. It is fire resistant  material.  We can use bricks after soaking in water. Avoid vertical joints.

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