Important informations from KSEB – 9 watts LED bulbs at Rs 65

     Kerala  state electricity board is a public sector under the Government  of Kerala. It generates, transmits, distributes electricity in our state.It comes under the department  of powers.  Electricity was first brought  to the state by a British  company. First generating station of the state was set up on the periyar. It was a hydro electric project .After 17 years the government of Travancore set up a facility to supply  electricity to the households.

      It is the successor entity of kerala state electricity  board.kerala generates power  from four sources. They are solar power,wind power,thermal power and hydro power. Idukki hydro electric project is the largest hydro electric project in kerala. The board imports 57 million units of power to meet daily  demands. 

    You can reduce electricity  consumption  using compact fluorescent  lamps. Ensure proper earthing in premises. Use electronic regulators for ceiling  fans. Avoid storing hot food in refrigerators. Avoid keeping electrical gadgets ON in idle condition.  Always provide windows  and doors to admit natural  light to avoid using electricity  in homes . 

     Always use an earth leakage circuit breaker to avoid leakage.Always use fewer bulbs of higher wattage .always use electrical gadgets with capacity  according  to needs .large refrigerator  consumes more electricity. Always use compact fluorescent lamps to reduce  electricity consumption. Use electronic  regulators for ceiling  fans.Turn off decorative lights .Replace air filters regularly. Keep the air conditioner on power saving mode. 

      Installing solar panels helps to reduce  electricity  consumption. Reducing energy  consumption will help save the environment  from overexploitation  and it helps to reduce the electricity  bills. You should  have a habit to switch off all electronics such as com,televisions,air conditioning units,etc.we can save and conserve energy. Install solar panels and connect to the electrical  grid . Any excess energy is exported to the electric  grid,reduces the need for electricity produced by the utility and reduces pollution. Paint walls in light color helps to reflect existing natural light. It reduces the need for artificial  lighting. Using LED lights reduces your lighting  energy consumption. Use power strips that require an electrical  outlet.

     We can see some important information from  KSEB. This information affects all customers  of KSEB.Today and tomorrow KSEB staff will attend the office.  If you have any problems related to electricity, you can  contact the toll free number. It will work in 24 hours. You can contact  this number  at any time. Toll free number  of KSEB is 1912.

      You can buy LED bulbs at Rs 65 from KSEB. These bulbs are 9 watts .If you want LED bulbs,you should  inform the number of bulbs required  to the senior superintendent ,electric office. You can pay the cash and buy from the section office. 

        Electricity  bill units depend on the slabs. After a fixed lab,the charge will increase in each unit. So the electricity  bill will be increased. So use little amount  of Electricity  and learn how to reduce  the consumption  of electricity.  Regulatory commission starts a public conducting evidence to know  as per the requirement  of the board that the power tariff should be increased.This meeting conducted  in big cities of kerala from April 1. 

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