How to transfer money through Google pay 


        Google pay is a newly tokenized card. It is ready to be used for payments. A customer can purchase, through their mobile device on a point of scale terminal or chooses to pay in your mobile app. It provides fast,haasil free checkout and at the same time Google stores their data with multiple layers of security. They do not send to others their customers actual card numbers. Google pays workers to build the tokenization infrastructure. Because the customer verifies their identity when adding a card to Google Pay. It securely stores their tokens. And it transmits tokens to the payment terminal during transactions. It offers security benefits to merchants and customers.

    Google pay provides remote device wiping, device lock screens and tokenized card numbers. So the customers can enjoy protections from theft of devices. It reduced merchant risk. It means less sensitive customer information for merchants to store ,reducing exposure and worries. 

          When Google facilitates online payments,Tokenization works slightly differently. Commonly Google pay users add credit or debit cards to their Google Play application. It requests a token to represent the card. Once the card is issued,it is tokenized. You will get a Unique Identification number. So it is ready to be used for payments. If you want to make a purchase you should tap your mobile device on a point of sale terminal. Google pay responds with the customers tokenized card and it acts as a one time password. It validates the cryptogram and matches the token with the customer’s actual card number.

     Google pay does not process transactions, it helps enable secure and speedy transactions by tokenizing cards. Merchants continue to manage orders through the current payment processing system. You can make faster and easier online purchases through this system. You can use Google pay application to offer one touch check out experience.

    You can use Google pay applications to send or receive money from others using mobile phones. You can pay utility bills ,recharge your mobile phone using this application. You will need a Google account, active mobile number  and bank account. Google pay is now installed on the web for IOS  and desktop. Google pay protects your payments information. It has multiple layers of security. It doesn’t share your actual card number.It has no charge to download. It is available in Google play does not have extra transaction fees.

      You can fastly,easily checkout in stores .You can purchase online .It saves time and effort of customers. Merchants don’t pay extra fees when customers use Google pay.It reduces merchant risks and exposure to fraud. Customers can purchase fast and easy .

How to set up the Google pay application 

  • Download Google pay on your phone
  • Enter your mobile number 
  • Sign in with your Google account 
  • Secure your Google pay application 
  • Add bank account  details 

How to transfer money through  Google pay

  • Open the Google pay application 
  • You can open it with a fingerprint or PIN number. 
  • You can see new payment option.
  • Click the new payment option.
  • You can see a lot of options such as transfer to bank account, transfer to account number, UPI,QR code,etc
  • You can easily transfer the fund.
  • Below these options, you can see the contacts. 
  • You can transfer fund to any one of this contact
  • Select the person and you can see pay and request options.
  • You can select pay option 
  • Enter the amount 
  • You can add a note below the amount 
  • You can see your bank account linked.
  • Click the pay button.
  • Enter UPI ID of your Google pay account. 
  • Click the tick mark
  • You can see the amount paid. 
  • You can see all details about the transaction  while clicking the tick mark.
  • You can share it through whatsapp.

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