How to start a hair band manufacturing  business  with low cost


     Businesses are very important  in a nation.  It helps in the economic growth of a  nation. You can start a small business  with low investment.  Small  businesses  are mainly bakery,grocery  shops,party planning, car dealerships,  etc. Small businesses  are the generation  of employment  per unit of capital. It helps to create  our nation from a job seeking  nation  to a job creating  nation. It needs less capital  than large establishments. 

      We can achieve great output from fewer investments. Small businesses can  easily adapt to changing the atmosphere. Large businesses  are also dependent on small businesses for the completion of their work. It promotes a more equitable  distribution  of national  income.It provides the life of local people by providing  them a good income  source.

      Everyone is not able to fulfill the dream of running a business,because  of insufficient  capitals. But low investment business  ideas are very good ideas. You can earn good profits  from these small businesses. It doesn’t need a lot of can turn your hobby skills into your own business. Lower initial  start up cost helps to achieve profitability easily. 

     We can see a home based low investment  business.  It doesn’t need more people. We can start this business  in the home. It doesn’t need more licenses. It is a hair band making product. It is a demand-able product. It is a profitable manufacturing business that can be initiated  from our home . It is a hair accessory. It is used by all girls. We can make different  types of fashionable  colorful hairballs. We can select  metal and plastic bands. Different  types of machinery  are available  to make different  types of hair bands. 

      You should decide the ownership  pattern  and register the company. Trade license is necessary.  GST registration  is necessary. You should register your business  as an SSI unit. It helps to get grants and financial  support  from the government. You can start this business  from home. You should purchase machinery  for this business. 

       Different types of colorful nylon threads are needed for this business. You can start a small scale unit with an automatic hair band making machine.  It has a simple manufacturing process. We can buy raw materials  as kilo from online marketing. The price of raw materials  are Rs 120 to 250.we can make production  of 20 kg raw materials  from this  machine . It has a 1 hp motor.  This machine  has a 2 year warranty.  We can make 800 hair bands from 1 kg hair band has 30 paisa production  cost. We can sell this material  to 60 paisa. 

      The machine has a cost of Rs 55000. You should  select good marketing offline and online. You can make a Facebook  page and promote your business. You should  publish your business  through  whatsapp also, you can start a group and forward your business.  You should give a brand  name. 

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