How to get Rs 4 lakhs Financial assistance  for small scale entrepreneurs 


       We can start small businesses. Small businesses  are started by corporations, partnerships, with fewer employees than regular businesses. Small businesses include small grocery stores,bakeries, hairdressers,restaurants, guest houses,very small manufacturing, web design, etc. Small businesses  offer product, process or service.They should have an ability  to lead a business  in a positive  direction.   It needs proper planning, adapting to changing environments, understanding  strength  and weakness.we can start small businesses at low cost .we can sell products  at market  stalls.

      Small businesses  provide new opportunities for entrepreneurs. Small businesses involve greater risks .They create meaningful can earn a lot of money through small businesses. Small businesses  required interlocking parts of local economies.

      Small businesses  will get Rs 4 lakhs financial assistance. This assistance is available  for projects costing up to Rs 10 lakhs. It is available  through the margin money grand scheme of the department of industry. 

       You will get a 40 %subsidy  of the total project cost. The fixed capital and working  capital  should be Rs 10 lakhs. This benefit  is available  to units operating in the manufacturing sector, food processing  sector  and value added  service sector. 

      Grants are awarded in two ways,to the general category and to the special  categories. They provide 30% grand to the general  category and 40 % grand to the 40 % grand to the special category.  In general  category  40 % loan and 30 %  entrepreneurs share. In the special  category,40 % loan and 20% entrepreneurs  share. 30 % of this scheme will get  Women .

       We can apply online for this scheme. If you want more details about this scheme, you can visit district industry  centres. It is useful for all small scale entrepreneurs.  You should visit DIC. We will get alot of options and guidelines from this center. 

How to apply for DIC benefit 

  • Visit the official website  of DIC.
  • You can see the guidelines  of this scheme. 
  • You can download the application scheme. 
  • Enter details.
  • Enter contact  number, email ID. 
  • Enter the items, job works and services. 
  • Name of financial  bank,
  • EnterProject costs.


  • Project report
  • Title deed of land
  • Ownership  certificate  of buildings 
  • Registered  lease deed.
  • Proforma invoice, quotation
  • Valuation of approved engineers.
  • Sanction letter from bank

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