How to get government  documents  through Right to information  act

        Today I would like to inform  you about how to  get government  documents immediately. 

Right to information  act is an important  system in our country. It removes the wall of secrecy.It makes it statutory for the latter to reveal all unclassified information.  It requires ample enlightening of those who hold authority. 

      It helps to access the information available  with statutory bodies,local bodies, public sector  Undertaking, government  departments, etc. We are all going to government  offices for many purposes. We can’t get the result immediately. 

        We can file applications  under the RTI act. Through this act we can ask any questions  to the government.  We can take copies of documents. It covers executive, judiciary, legislative,  authorities. It will not apply to intelligence and security organizations. 

       We can file an appeal through online.we can make a request through this web portal to the department  of government  of India. Download the application  form,enter the details . Paste the Rs 10 court fees and send it to the public health officer.we will get the result immediately. We can use this method to all government  offices. 

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