How to download PAN card using mobile phone

      We all have PAN card. But do you know that this PAN Card is in our mobile. Let’s see how to find it. PAN card is one of the most important financial identity card in our country. This card is essential for paying income tax. It is also necessary to make a payments in excess of a certain amount.

      But if you lost your PAN  card you can get this PAN card back from your mobile.Open the Google chrome.Click the UTIITSL.Open the site and Click on know your PAN .Enter your PAN card number. Enter your details  and give the OTP number.Click the validate option. 

       Enter your mobile number  and email address.We should pay cash for this service.The payment is Rs 8. We get a message .Enter the OTP number.Enter your date of birth as password. You can see your password .We can download the reprint of our PAN card.

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