How to control diabetes 

        Today I would like to inform you about the diabetes. We can cure diabetes completely. Diabetes is a metabolic disease. It is the high blood sugar level in our blood. 

       Mainly type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Cholesterol is the main cause of diabetes.In this condition, body does not produce insulin efficiently. The main symptoms of diabetes ate frequent urination, hunger,thirst, weight loss irritability, fatigue.

     The main symptoms  are pain,numbness in hands or feet,vomiting,etc. It also affects nerves. It may cause silent heart attack.

       We can control diabetes through our diet. Beginners should reduce diabetes completely.

       Avoid red meat,hot dogs,etc. We can control diabetes. Add leafy,vegetables, eggs, beans, yogurt,nuts,avocados in your diet. Diabetes is a life style disease. Type 2 diabetes caused by cells in muscle,fat,liver resistant to insulin.That Time the pancreas unable to produce insulin.

         We can reduce diabetes in our blood with exercise.Avoid soft drinks,fruit juices,soda.Avoid white rice,bread,dried fruits,etc.Avoid potatoes, cabbage,broccoli.

       You should know the require energy / day. You should take 20 calorie/ 1 kg. We should take below 50 % from starch,20 % from protein and 30% from fat. We should take low caloric foods. Sugar,corn,tubers,fruits,vegetables are starch containing foods. Fruits and vegetables are low caloric foods.Avoid sugar.we should take 20 % protein foods.we can take olive oil,egg white,nuts,fish.

      Maintain a food plate.we should take ½ of plate fruits and vegetables, ¼ of plate contains protein and ¼ include corns. We can prevent sugar through this food plate.we can control our foods.  Vegetables should take raw,grill or steamed.Avoid oil and coconut.

             We can  control sugar without medication.controlled BP,cholesterol, level.

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