Cloth bag business

            Plastic carry bags have been banned in our country recently, making it difficult for buyers to shop in the store.  Long lasting reusable carrier bags are now a good business. New possibilities for the manufacture of cloth carry bags have been tried. For those who are interested in learning more about it, please read below  

                              Those who are interested should buy  it and cut it according to the size and design and put it in the machine. The part should be sewn  up like a handful of vines in order to catch it. Then you can push the zip and button to your liking and make it better. 

                The advantage is that anyone who knows a little sewing can start the  project. You can make and sell the cloth bags without any technical problems. Depending on the demand,  the print and zib can be made more attractive by trade. There are some people who trade in this way as well.  But because of the low cost of brooming, there will be more demand and so will trade.

There is also the possibility of screen printing, depending on the design they provide,  if needed. There is also the possibility of making bags with cutting waste and used weed clothes. 

         These cloth bags are most sought in supermarkets, textile shops, grocery stores, bakeries. Let’s see what it takes  to start a business like this. share it with your friends.

           Consider what kind of investment you need to start this construction business. A particular building,  machinery, stitching machine, cost of Rs 46000, furniture and cut will be Rs 5000 essential. Repurchase deposits  require stock of 10 days at 70 metres daily, Rs 400 per day for two wages, So it cost Rs 8000, Rs 2000 stitching materials, cost,  interest, wear etc. The total investment comes to Rs. 77000.It is a good business idea.please try to do and share it with your friends.

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