Benefits received through the employment guarantee scheme

           Today I would like inform you about employment guarantee scheme. Employment guarantee scheme is an indian labour law and social security measure to guarantee the right to work. It promises 100 days of work per year to all rural households. It provides livelihood security in rural areas  by providing 100 days of wage employment in a year. In this scheme, ⅓ of job given to women.

          Now new rules has come in to existence. Payments are made monthly to the bank accounts of those in the employment guarantee scheme. Marriage and education  assistance is also available through this scheme.19,67000 people in our state are involved in this mahatma gandhi national Employment guarantee scheme and 2 lakh peoples are involved in ayyankali urban employment guarantee scheme.

      We have to invest a small share every month. A person has to spend Rs 50.This amount is payable for 10 years. If the payer dies, the family will receive a pension. If any disability the amount paid will be received including interest.

Medical assistance is also available through this scheme.

      Pension is also available from the age of 60 yrs. The dividend must be paid continuously foe five years. It is open to anyone between the ages of 18 and 55.

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