Side effects of eating white rice daily


      Today I would like to inform you about the adverse effects  of white rice.white rice has low fiber content . It may cause digestive  issues. White rice has a higher glycemic index . It increases blood sugar level. It is associated  with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. 

     The rice plants accumulate more arsenic than other crops. High intake of arsenic causes heart disease, cancer,diabetes. It is toxic to nerves and brain function.  Professionals advise parents to avoid feeding young children high amounts of rice.

          White rice increases blood pressure. It increases cholesterol level.The people who ate more refined and processed foods such as white bread,white rice had more belly fat. White rice is a white poison .If we take 100 g white rice, we will get 130 calorie energy and 30 g carbohydrates,0.5 g fiber. From 100 g brown rice ,we will get 100 calories of energy and 20 g  carbohydrates,3.5 g fiber .

             Do not take refined grains. Because it contains a lot of carbohydrates.  It may cause heart attack,stroke, PCOS ,obesity,fatty liver,uric acid,hormonal imbalance,alzheimers,infertility. Avoid white rice completely.

         Brown rice contains vitamin  B ,niacin,thiamine,pyridoxine, magnesium, celeriac,zinc ,antioxidants  and fibers. But white rice has only carbohydrates.  It may cause metabolic dysfunction. 

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