How to save cooking gas

            The quickly exhaust of cooking gas is something that bothers all housewives. We can avoid this by caring at a few things. We lost a lot of gas due to our negligence. some important tips to save cooking gas.

  •  Always try to use  small bowls.
  •  When using a small bowl, light the fire on the bottom of the vessel .Doing so can gave gas to some extent .
  • Always close the bowl and cook.
  • When taking the bowl to cook, leave it in the stove only after thoroughly wash and wipe.
  •  Foods that can be cooked in a cooker,cook must  in the cooker itself.
  •  Put the food in the fridge  and let it cool down before it was place to heat.
  • If the earthen pot is used to be cooked, when the pot is well heated, reduce the flame . Earthenware will keep the heat for a while.
  • Do the same things together to cook things together.
  • Paying attention to small things like this can save some gas.
  •  While we are cooking, place all the necessary ingredients near the gas stove. When we turn on the gas and take the ingredients we lose the gas. When everything is ready, we can use it quickly.
  • When making the Idli/ puttu /egg, place the high flame until the water boils . Then reduced the fire most.
  •  The cooking vessel  should be flat otherwise the fire went  out a lot and it would be a lose for us.
    The gas burner should always be clean, if so we can save  gas .
  • After the dish is washed and wiped, the gas can be obtained by using the gas.
  • When the onion is cooked, put  the onion in the sunlight for half an hour . Then fry it. Quickly it will be fried.
  • Once the grains are soaked , cook quickly. 
  • Keep food closed, while cooking and boiling water .
  • When preparing food turn off the stove a minute before serving.
  • When cooking meat ,use a cooker.
  •  If  there are frequently drinkers of hot water, place the hot water in the flask, There is no need to always make hot water.
  •  If you are making less food, use a small bowl. If the largest vessel, the more  gas will have to use.
  •  In case of frozen items, change the cold to a  normal temperature and Cook.
  •  Always  buy good quality gas stove. It will reduce the gas consumption.

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